Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Republic of Kugelmugel

I must have missed this one in world regional geography.  It reminds me of the mini-state of Doofania.

Republic of Kugelmugel | Vienna, Austria | Atlas Obscura

The Republic of Kugelmugel.
Photo: Benutzer:Priwo

Friday, February 26, 2010

Quote for the Day

"It is surely a great calamity for a human being to have no obsessions."
-Robert Bly

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Why Toponyms Matter

Google has already drawn the ire of Iranian Americans over its naming convention for the Persian Gulf, but apparently the Iranian government has taken the dispute to the air.

You say Arabian, I say Persian FP Passport

The Big Apple, circa 1924

NYCityMap offers a vintage pigeon's-eye view of the five boroughs.

Editorial - Above the Past -

Monday, February 22, 2010

Newseum's News Map

Read the headlines geographically using Newseum's news map. Navigate to the part of the world you're interested in and click on the icons to pull up today's front pages in that area. You can view 593 newspapers from 72 countries through both Flash and Bing versions of the map.  It's the same general idea as Google Earth's New York Times layer, but you're not limited to NYT.

Newseum | Today's Front Pages | Map View

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Geography of Narnia

I was reading The Silver Chair to the kids tonight and wondered whether there were any maps of Narnia on the web. There are several, but I'm partial to this one.

Free Mind Mapping Software

For the past year I've used FreeMind to mind map essays and presentations.  I'm currently experimenting with XMIND, which seems to be much more robust.