Saturday, February 9, 2013


topophilia - a strong sense of place, which often becomes mixed with the sense of cultural identity among certain peoples and a love of certain aspects of such a place.  (Wikipedia)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Legal Marijuana in Washington

The legalization of marijuana in Washington for both medicinal and recreational use has generated some interesting questions.  Planet Money explores some of the financial aspects in two of its podcasts from December of last year.  There are geographic questions, too, related to how cities and towns will control the places that cannabis can be grown and sold through laws and zoning restrictions.

The (Legal) Marijuana Business - Planet Money

How to Sell Marijuana Legally, In Four Inconvenient Steps - Planet Money

Seattle Seeks to Close Medical Pot Loophole with Zoning Rules - KPLU 88.5

Male hemp flowers.
Erik Fendersson / Wikimedia Commons

Thursday, February 7, 2013

We Don't Need No Stinkin' GPS

Scientists have found new evidence that salmon navigate back to their home streams using a combination of smell and the earth's magnetic field.

Animal Magnetism: How Salmon Find Their Way Home

Salmon at the Seattle Aquarium.
Earth'sbuddy / Wikimedia Commons

The Bridge Over the River, Why?

The Tappan Zee Bridge crosses the Hudson River at a place where the channel is three miles wide.  Much better crossing sites can be found not far away.  Why did New York governor Thomas Dewey decide to build a bridge here?  All will be made known . . . as soon as you listen to this podcast.

A Big Bridge in the Wrong Place - Planet Money

Tappan Zee Bridge.
Steve Pomeroy / Wikimedia Commons

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Political Geography 101

Strange Maps has a post on one of the most elementary concepts in political geography: territorial morphology, or the shapes of states.

It's Always Chile in Norway: the Five Types of Territorial Morphology - Strange Maps

The presence of Vatican City makes Italy a perforated state.
Erin Silversmith / Wikimedia Commons